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ASC Reporting
Typically we can respond to your request in 2-4 weeks. Your request may take longer depending upon the nature of the request and pending requests from others. You will be contacted within 5 business days to discuss a time-line for your request.
Name/ Requestor (s)
Email of Requestor
Department/ Unit/ Office
External to OSU
Internal to OSU, External to ASC
Internal to ASC
Name of Unit / Office External to OSU
OSU College
OSU Department
Details of Request:
Describe the purpose of the request. Below are a few prompts to help you define your request:
● Data Category (e.g., student, research, employee, finance, advancement, rankings)
● Data Type (e.g., applicants, enrolled, degree, course)
● Campus (e.g., Columbus, Lima)
● College (e.g., College of Engineering, Fisher College of Business)
● Program/Plan (For internal Ohio State requestors, provide program or plan codes)
● Year or terms (e.g., Autumn term 2012)
● Level (i.e., Grad/Undergrad/Prof)
● Other specifics:
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