Please complete the application below if you are interested in enrolling in an Ohio Prison Education Exchange Project course for the fall 2025 semester!

*Please note: all OPEEP applications, instructor meetings, & required paperwork submissions must be completed no later than June 18th, 2025.*
The Ohio Reformatory for Women in Marysville, OH (ORW):
  • WGSS/AAAS 2367.04 Black Women writers with Newark Professor Dr. Tiyi Morris ( (Tuesdays, 12:30-3:15pm)

  • COMPSTDS 2323 Intro to American Indian Studies with Columbus Professor fabian romero ( (Wednesdays, 12:30-3:15pm)

  • WGSS 3200: Breaking the Law: Introduction Gender Justice with Columbus Professor Lyn Tjon Soei Len  ( (Thursdays, 12:30-3:15pm)

  • EDUTL 2368 Introduction to Children's Literature with Newark Professor Dr. Cris Warner  ( (Fridays, 12:30-3:15)

Southeastern Correctional Institution in Lancaster, OH (SCI):
  • PSYCH 3312 Memory and Cognition with Newark Professor Chris Robinson ( (Mondays, 5:30-8:15pm)
  • HIST 3084 Citizens Behind Bars with Columbus Professor Dr. DeAnza Cook  ( (Wednesdays, 5:30-8:15pm)
Richland Correctional Institution in Mansfield, OH (RICI):
  • SOCIOL 4505 Capital Punishment with Mansfield Professor Terri Winnick ( (Wednesdays, 5:30-8:15pm)
Which class are you interested in taking?
How did you hear about OPEEP's course offerings? 
Which OSU campus are you based at?
Do you have a dependable car? (Your answer will not affect your eligibility for this course.)
If you have a car, are you willing to give a classmate a ride? (Your answer will not affect your eligibility for this course.)
How would you describe your gender?