The Ohio State University Consent to Participate in Research


Study Title: Attitudes About Media


Researchers: Charita Dailey, Bree Host, Charlie Keohane, Gracyn Noffert, Alex Strader, and Brooke Wenk from Psych 4520, Social Psychology Laboratory.


This is a consent form for research participation.  It contains important information about this study and what to expect if you decide to participate. Your participation is voluntary. Please consider the information carefully. Feel free to ask questions before making your decision whether or not to participate


Purpose: We are studying the relationship between media stories and the attitudes that follow reading these stories.


Procedures/Tasks: Participants will read a brief excerpt from a media source and answer questions about their attitudes. 


Duration: This study should take you approximately 5 minutes. You may leave the study at any time.  If you decide to stop participating in the study, there will be no penalty to you, and you will not lose any benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. Your decision will not affect your future relationship with The Ohio State University.


Risks and Benefits: There are no anticipated risks or benefits for participating in this study.


Confidentiality: Efforts will be made to keep your study-related information confidential. However, there may be circumstances where this information must be released. For example, personal information regarding your participation in this study may be disclosed if required by state law. Also, your records may be reviewed by the following groups (as applicable to the research):

·       Office for Human Research Protections or other federal, state, or international regulatory agencies;

·       The Ohio State University Institutional Review Board or Office of Responsible Research Practices;


Incentives: There are no incentives for participating in this study.


Participant Rights: You may refuse to participate in this study without penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. If you are a student or employee at Ohio State, your decision will not affect your grades or employment status. If you choose to participate in the study, you may discontinue participation at any time without penalty or loss of benefits.  By agreeing to participate, you do not give up any personal legal rights you may have as a participant in this study.


Contacts and Questions: For questions, concerns, or complaints about the study, or you feel you have been harmed as a result of study participation, you may contact our professor, Dr. Courtney McGinty, at

Consent to Participate

I have read this form and I am aware that I am being asked to participate in a research study. I voluntarily agree to participate in this study.