Program Funding Application

Application Deadlines

Autumn 2024
Priority Programming deadline for fall: September 10
Regular Deadline for fall: October 8
Travel Deadline: November 4

Spring 2025
Priority Programming Deadline for Spring: February 4
Regular deadline for spring: February 25
Travel Deadline April 1

For Funding Questions, please email
Funding Guidelines
  • Only registered student organizations whose presidents, treasurers, and advisors have completed their respective training sessions, who are in good financial standing with the Ohio Union (i.e. active organizations), and who are in good standing with Sorority and Fraternity Life may receive Greek Programming Board (GPB) Programming Funding.
  • Chapters may apply to receive programming funds each semester.
  • Programming funds are to be used to host a program or event that is open to the Greek Community to attend OR for an approved third-party program that falls into the categories of leadership, scholarship, service, or education.
  • These funds will be distributed via internal OSU order or check reimbursement only after the submission of an by the Greek Programming Board.
    • Only Ohio State University vendors (Ohio Union, Catering, etc.) can be paid directly by GPB. All other payments are reimbursements given to the organization after the event or program has occurred.
    • No cash advances will be provided
  • Please note that any off-campus events will be refunded pending administrative approval of Sorority and Fraternity Life (SFL) and the Programming Funding Advisory Committee (PFAC).
Programming Funding Advisory Committee (PFAC):
  • The PFAC will be comprised of:
    • The four GPB Delegates (one for each council, respectively); if a delegate is unavailable or the position is unfilled, the Treasurer of the respective council is invited to attend in the delegate’s place 
    • One GPB Director
    • Three SFL Staff Members:
    • Assistant Director of Chapter Services (Advisor to Greek Programming Board)
    • SFL Associate Director
    • Ohio Union Fiscal Officer
  • PFAC will review all applications to ensure they meet the requirements of funding ➔ If there is an abundance of applicants, the committee will have the discretion to decide where the funding shall be allocated
  • PFAC will alert the GPB President of the chosen applicants
  • A GPB director will alert all applicants if they have received funding or not within a week of the PFAC’s decision
Fundable/Non-Fundable List
The following table highlights fundable and non-fundable expenses for programming funding. Any funding of events involving political or religious figures will be up to the discretion of PFAC. Chapters are permitted to combine funding from multiple sources (i.e., CSA, USG), assuming that there is no overlap in the funded items. Chapters are also permitted to use the programming funding on a program that generates donations at the discretion of the other funding guidelines and PFAC. Any items prohibited by state law and/or university policy will not be purchased or funded.
Budget Category Fundable Non-Fundable
Speaker Cost External travel costs, speaking fee, gift less than $100 in monetary value, OSU personnel/faculty speaking on a topic unrelated to OSU position or research (A bio of the intended speaker should be attached to the application) OSU personnel/faculty/students for services rendered if they are included within the services for which they are employed by the University Political and religious speakers require supplemental documentation and reasoning as to why the event is educational and open to the whole community
Entertainment Professional DJ, artist, rental of a licensed copy of the film or other entertainment media Rental costs for non-licensed copies of films
OSU Physical Facility Costs Costs of setup and cleanup at OSU-owned facilities, non-refundable rain site deposits Costs of non-OSU owned facilities (refundable upon approval of SFL; approval is not guaranteed)
Personnel Costs associated with providing uniformed or plain-clothes officers, EMS/Fire prevention officers, catering/event staff, or referees/officials as programming demands  
Equipment Rental Rental of equipment not available for free from the university Purchase of costumes, equipment, or electronics
Consumable Supplies Costs associated with consumable supplies not available for free from the university, including but not limited to flowers, decorations, printing tickets for a program Purchase of tickets for a program
Food and Beverage Costs associated with providing food at a program Must be in accordance with the Coca-Cola contract**; alcohol is excluded
Publicity Costs associated with publicizing a program, including but not limited to flyers, posters, advertising in local media  
Take-Aways Costs associated with supplies for an item produced at a program or received during or at the conclusion of a program Plaques, prizes, door prizes, auction items
Service Travel Transportation, registration and lodging expenses associated with an approved third-party program that falls into the categories of leadership, scholarship, or education