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Thank you for your interest in our study. The interview will be taking place online and will take approximately 1 hour. We will use Zoom to conduct and record the interview. You can access this through a browser link or by installing the free Zoom client on your device.
Privacy is very important for this study. Do you have a private place to participate in a one-hour video interview? This should be a quiet, private place where you can speak freely without being overheard by others, and we will work to find a time that works for your schedule.
Yes, I always have access to a private space.
Yes, I can arrange to be in a private space at a time we will schedule together.
Not sure.
No, I do not have access to a private space at this time.
Where would you participate in the interview?
Other (please specify)
Have you ever watched a long video (for example, on Netflix or You Tube) or participated in a long video conference call (20 minutes or more) from this location? If so, how was the quality?
Yes, and the quality is very good. It almost never lags or drops service.
Yes, and the quality is good. It lags or drops service, but not very often.
Yes, and the quality is okay. It lags or drops service sometimes.
Yes, and the quality is not good. It lags or drops service a lot.
Not sure.
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