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Please complete the following information to let us know when you are going to need accommodation or be absent and what (if any) arrangements you have made to provide the needed coverage. A separate form should be submitted for each TA/instructor/grader assignment/course your will miss.
Name and email address.
OSU email address
Dates of accommodation or leave (as best you know)
Reason for accommodation or absence - e.g. medical, personal, conference (be as specific as you are comfortable, but do not share medical details).
List the course number and which course duties will you miss or change the mode of.
List the name of the person who oversees or supervises your work for the class listed above.
For coordinated courses (1350, 1430, 1450, 2450, 2480) list the course coordinator;
for tutoring hours, list Caitlin Donahue (;
for grading or recitation duties, list the course instructor;
for solo-lecturing a 3000 or above course, list Elly Kaizar (
Name of faculty member for the course listed above.
Email of this faculty member
Name and email of person(s) covering your duties, if coverage is necessary and has been arranged. Enter N/A if not.
Name of person covering duties
Email of person covering duties
Name of second person covering duties (if needed)
Email of second person covering duties (if needed)
Please add any additional details that would be helpful for your supervisor to know.