Hello! Thank you for your interest in transferring to Ohio State University's Doctor of Pharmacy Program.

Before we can move forward with initiating a transfer, we need to gather some background information about your time in your current PharmD program. Please fill out this form carefully and entirely. We also require the upload of your PharmCAS applicant file from your initial application, copies of previous transcripts, an unofficial transcript (or advising report) of your progress in PharmD, a formal statement outlining the reason you are requesting a transfer, and a letter from the Dean or Director of Student Affairs you are currently attending summarizing your credentials and verifying good standing in your current PharmD program. All materials and the completed interest form must be received no less than 90 days prior to the start of the Autumn semester in order to process a transfer request. 

PLEASE NOTE: There is a chance you will be asked to return to your P1 year in our program. Due to the modular format of our curriculum, we have a unique approach to education and it is hard to compare progression between differing programs. If you would prefer to be evaluated, we will need a copy of syllabi for ALL PharmD coursework at your current institution. These syllabi will reviewed by our faculty to determine if you could be placed beyond the P1 year. Please contact COP-admissions@osu.edu with any questions.

Do you have a Bachelor's degree?