OhioLINK Spring 2025 OER Course Redesign Grants
Thank you for your interest in applying for the OhioLINK OER Course Redesign Grants!
Applications are due on April 18th, 2025. If you receive a grant, the program will take place May 19th - June 13th, 2025. This is an online, asynchronous training program that will take around 4-8 hours to complete. Participants will receive a $650 stipend for participating after the requirements have been completed.
During the training program, participants agree to:
-Review at least one openly-licensed, library-licensed, or no-cost resource in their discipline by June 13th, 2025.
-Attend at least one hour long synchronous Zoom discussion session between May 19th and June 13th, 2025 (out of 3 options)
-Use at least one openly-licensed, library-licensed, or other no-cost resource (required or optional for students) in a course they are teaching in Fall 2025 or Spring 2026 OR create and use openly licensed ancillary materials for a course they are teaching in Fall 2025 or Spring 2026.
-Write a short report outlining how they will take action to implement the use of the openly licensed content across all sections/semesters of the course in their department.
-Be willing to present on a panel at the OpenCon Ohio conference in Spring 2026 and/or at a future OhioLINK open textbook workshop.
-Provide OhioLINK Affordable Learning with a “testimonial” that shares the outcome from participating in the symposium and switch to OER for your class.
Faculty teaching high enrollment or multi-section courses are especially encouraged to participate.
**As part of this application process, there are two pieces of information needed in addition to this application form.
1. Please email a copy of the syllabus for the course you are hoping to use for the program to Anna Bendo at abendo@ohiolink.edu.
2. Please have your department chair/dean send a brief letter of support (email is fine) to abendo@ohiolink.edu. Please include that he/she is aware that you are applying for this program and that you would receive support in transitioning to no-cost course materials.
** You can direct any questions about the program to Anna. Thanks!