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Translingual Submissions
Thank you for your interest in publishing with
Translingual: The Journal of International Voices
. Your contribution is a valuable part of the perspectives, creativity, and scholarship from our international community here at OSU.
Please read the following before you submit:
You may submit up to 3 pieces in this form. Make sure that each has a title, as necessary. If you wish to submit more than 3 pieces, you can fill out this form multiple times with your additional submissions. There is no limit to the number of items one person can submit.
We make little to no edits on submitted work because we do not believe that language needs to be “standard” to be valuable and publishable. We want the language of our submitters to be authentic to themselves and we find value in all varieties of English. That said, we may shorten your work to fit a uniform length for our issues. This would mean that we shorten it to a certain point then link the rest of your article to a separate window, so readers will still see your full work. If we want to pull blurbs to emphasize meaning in your work, we will contact you and ask for you to pick them out yourself. When we want to shorten articles, we will contact you as well.
We are not at a point where we can print Translingual, so we are a wholly online publication.
Thank you. If you have any questions, please email us at
Please answer the questions below then submit your writing or art.
1. Full Name
2. Email Address ( or
3. Are you an international, multilingual, or multicultural student, faculty, staff, or other English language learner at OSU?
4. I am:
a student
How did you hear about
OIA Newsletter
My Professor
Upload up to 3 files below.
If you have any issues with your submissions, please contact us at
Submission 1
If a visual art piece, please include a brief description of the piece, materials used, etc.
File Upload
Drag or choose the file to be uploaded below.
If you are submitting writing, please make sure your file is a .docx or .pdf file.
If you are submitting a piece of visual art, please make sure your file is high resolution.
Drop files or click here to upload
Submission 2
If a visual art piece, please include a brief description of the piece, materials used, etc.
File Upload
Drag or choose the file to be uploaded below.
If you are submitting writing, please make sure your file is a .docx or .pdf file.
If you are submitting a piece of visual art, please make sure your file is high resolution.
Drop files or click here to upload
Submission 3
If a visual art piece, please include a brief description of the piece, materials used, etc.
File Upload
Drag or choose the file to be uploaded below.
If you are submitting writing, please make sure your file is a .docx or .pdf file.
If you are submitting a piece of visual art, please make sure your file is high resolution.
Drop files or click here to upload
to send your work to
Please make sure all of your information is entered before you click Submit.
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