Chen Ya and Siuha Anita Liu Award for Professional Writing

The Chen Ya and Siuha Anita Liu Award for Professional Writing supports a student minoring in professional writing and majoring in a STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) field.

The winner will receive a $4500 scholarship. The recipient is selected based on academic excellence, professional writing abilities, and depth of connection between the Minor in Professional Writing and STEM career goals.

Preference will be given to students who demonstrate financial need. Recipients may be reconsidered for scholarship renewal with reapplication.

Deadline: Sunday, February 23, 2024 by 11:59 p.m.


Eligible applicants will:
  • Major in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics) field.
  • Declare the Minor in Professional Writing.
  • Complete at least 3 out of 5 of the Minor coursework requirements by the end of Spring 2025 (options: any 2367, Group A Electives, Group B Electives, and English 4150)
    • Applicants can have already completed all MPW courses and plan to be graduating Spring 2025. 
  • If not already completed, take English 4150 Fall 2025.
  • If not already completed, apply for the capstone internship in advance and complete it Fall 2025 or Spring 2026.

Before you begin this online application, please collect 3 documents to submit:
  1. a resume
  2. a writing sample
  3. a personal statement

Read the Prof. Writing Award details on English Dept. Scholarships and Awards webpage for detailed information about how to prepare these materials.

If you have questions, contact Yanar Hashlamon (

Please upload your writing-focused resume that highlights the writing achievements you’ve made through jobs, internships, activities, and/or coursework.

See the Scholarships and Awards Dept. of English webpage for more information.

IMPORTANT NOTE regarding: File Naming
Name this file LastName_FirstName_LiuResume
Example: Buckeye_Scarlet_LiuResume
Writing Sample

Please upload one writing sample, ideally fewer than 500 words (though it may extend up to 800 words), that showcases your skills in producing clear, clean copy, with the appropriate tone and style suited to the audience and context.

See the Scholarships and Awards Dept. of English webpage for more information.

IMPORTANT NOTE regarding: File Naming
Name this file LastName_FirstName_LiuSample
Example: Buckeye_Scarlet_LiuSample
Personal Statement

Please upload your 500-750-word personal statement that addresses the connection between professional writing, your major in a STEM field and your post-graduation career goals in a STEM field.

See the Scholarships and Awards Dept. of English webpage for more information.

IMPORTANT NOTE regarding: File Naming
Name this file LastName_FirstName_LiuPersonalStatement
Example: Buckeye_Scarlet_LiuPersonalStatement
Agreement of Eligibility

I understand that, if I haven't already completed MPW coursework, in order to be eligible for the Chen Ya and Siuha Anita Liu Award for Professional Writing, I must complete the Minor in Professional Writing during the 2024-2025 academic year.

I understand this entails applying for the capstone internship the semester prior and then completing English 4189 in Autumn 2024, Summer 2024, or Spring 2025 if I have not already completed it.