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What information are you most interested in receiving?
How do I apply?
I need more information about your program.
I want information about funding.
I'd like to point you to the online resources to help you with our most commonly asked questions.
How to apply and application information:
click here
I need more information about the OSU Physics program:
click here
Is the GRE required? - GRE is optional
How are your grad students funded?
All our students are funded in 1 of 3 ways.
TA, GRA, or Fellowship
you cannot apply for a fellowship. Fellowships are awarded during the admissions process and you will be contacted if you've won a Fellowship.
If the information above did not answer your question, please type your question below.
We would like to learn more about you and your educational background. Please answer the following questions.
Are you currently in school?
If yes, please list the university/school you are currently attending.
If you are not currently in school can you tell me a bit about your educational background? What school(s) have you attended? What was the year that you took your most recent course?
What most interests you about grad school?
better job prospects
desire to learn more about Physics
What area of research are you most interested in?
Condensed Matter
High Energy
Nuclear Physics
Physics Education Research
Is there a faculty member you'd be interested in working with? If so please list their name.
Do you have any specific questions for us?
If you would like to upload your CV you may do so.
Drop files or click here to upload
Thank you for filling out the inquiry form! We will respond to your request for information as soon as we can!
In the mean time please check out our admissions website:
click here
You can apply here:
click here