Math Prerequisite Verification Form

Students who have completed a math course at another institution or have earned AP/IB credit may request permission to enroll in the next math course at OSU. Students must have received a final grade/score and have requested that these transcripts/scores be sent to OSU before they may request this permission. 

Before starting this request, please read the instructions fully. Incomplete requests will not be reviewed.

Using Transfer Credit as a Prereq - You will need to provide:
  • Name of college attended
  • Course completed at previous institution (ex. Math 1075 at Columbus State CC)
  • Copy of Pre-Evaluation (if received before taking course)
  • Student Advising Report
  • Proof of final passing grade on an unofficial transcript.
  • Receipt documenting that an order has been placed to send transcripts to OSU.
Using AP Credit, A-Level Credit, OR CLEP Results as a Prereq - You will need to provide:
  • Which exam completed
    • NOTE: Mathematics IB exams taken from 2021 onward will not received Ohio State credit.
  • Student Advising Report
  • Proof of score. The following are valid forms:
    • AP or CLEP: PDF copy of score report from College Board
    • A-Level: PDF copy of "General Certificate of Education" (NOTE: Statement of Results will not be accepted)
  • Math course number you wish to enroll in at OSU (ex. Math 1148)
  • Receipt documenting that an order has been placed to send scores to OSU.
Screenshots will not be accepted.
Please note: If your request is approved, you will only be given temporary permission to enroll in the course. Transfer credit must be transferred to OSU by submitting an official transcript to OSU Undergraduate Admissions. Official exam credit (AP, A-Level, CLEP) scores must be sent from the program to OSU. Your credit must be received by the end of the 2nd week of the semester. Failure to transfer the credit/scores to OSU by the end of the 2nd week, will result in you being dropped from your course.

You should collect all materials before proceeding. You will not be able to save the form. You will be required to sign in with your OSU login information on the following page.