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Thank you for your feedback about the Take & Go Series: East Asian Societies resources developed by the Interdisciplinary Curriculum Development Team in coordination with the East Asian Studies Center at The Ohio State University to support teaching about Japanese popular culture and globalization in the classroom. Your comments will help strengthen the materials. Thank you.
Grade level(s) you teach (select all that apply):
Middle School
High School
Subject(s) you teach:
The Take & Go: East Asian Societies resources are available in several formats, please choose all that which might be useful for you:
Slides (Chapter 1)
Slides (chapters 2-6)
Please give an example from one area in the Take & Go Series: East Asian Societies you think might be most useful in your classroom and why:
What do you still need from the resources added to the Take & Go Series: East Asian Societies? Anything missing that would help?
What challenges did you see using the Take & Go Series: Japanese Popular Culture & Globalization?
Please add any comments or questions. Thank you, Your feedback is very important.
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