2026 Executive Board - Candidate Application Form
The ACUHO-I Executive Board is a dynamic and forward-thinking group of individuals committed to using their diverse perspectives to expand the work of the Association. Guided by the strategic plan and the ACUHO-I Constitution and bylaws, the Executive Board is charged with providing the strategic direction for the Association. This work ensures that ACUHO-I’s efforts are aligned with our shared vision and mission to support campus housing and residence life professionals as they work towards student success. Thank you for your interest.
In order to slate the most qualified and representative candidates, the ACUHO-I Nominations Committee uses a number of categories/criteria in its review and slating process. You can find more information on these criteria at https://www.acuho-i.org/who-we-are/executive-board/elections/.
Please use this form to submit your application for a 2026 Executive Board position.
The Candidate Application closes at 12pm ET (US) on May 15, 2025.